One-Time Payment Request
One-Time Payment Request
Any employee, whether exempt or non-exempt, may accept additional employment with another department, unit, or component of Texas A&M University System, provided the employee obtains the advance approval of the head of the primary employing department. This process alerts the primary employing unit that the employee will be performing activities outside the scope of their normal duties and normal work time. If an employee has a heavy workload in the primary employing department, consideration should be given to whether additional activity would negatively impact the primary employing unit. Payment for ongoing services is added as an additional job in Workday and not paid on a One-Time Payment Request.
Nonexempt employees who accept additional employment within the Texas A&M University System must be paid 1½ times their regular hourly rate of pay unless the employment is occasional and sporadic, solely at the employee’s option, and in a different capacity from that in which the employee regularly engages. Do not use this Workday business process to pay non-exempt employees for overtime worked.