Audio Transcriptions

All non-textual content (e.g., audio, visuals) requires alternative text in order to aid those who cannot see or hear the media. Alternative text also assists in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking by including important keywords in your audio content. Examples of audio content that need alternative text include, but is not limited to:

  • live / recorded broadcasts
  • podcasts
  • interviews
  • music with lyrics
  • sound effects
  • video with a static (unchanging) image and dialog
  • webinars or chat rooms with audio functionality

Alternative text for audio content comes in the form of a transcript which describes:

  1. who is talking, including cross-talk
  2. what they are saying, including tone of voice when it helps convey the message
  3. any relevant sound and sound effects

Transcribing recorded audio is easy but time consuming. Transcribing live audio may require a dedicated transcriber for your event.

Depending on time and budgetary resources, you may either do the transcripts yourself (e.g., your staff, interns, or volunteers) or hire a professional to transcribe your audio for you.