Pillar 3: Educate
We will help anyone with an ADA complaint regarding the accessibility of our ICT by providing training and guidance on alternative accommodations as needed.
All Employee Training
All employees will be required to complete a digital accessibility awareness training course annually. Employees include faculty, staff, and student workers, including adjuncts providing digital course materials. This scope does not include contractors.
Role-based Training
All employees, based on the role(s) they play in providing accessible ICT, will be required to take role-based training on accessibility compliance:
- communicates with members of the TAMU-CC community (e.g., faculty, staff, students, visitors),
- purchases ICT,
- develops ICT, and/or
- maintains/uses ICT used to conduct university business.
Outreach and Awareness
Various areas across TAMU-CC (e.g., Disability Services, EDCS, IT, Library, DLAI) may collaborate on outreach and awareness programs or campaigns.
The DAO works with the IT Communications committee and DLAI to distribute communication about digital accessibility and inclusiveness to various TAMU-CC audiences.
Training Resources
The DAO works with IT areas and Marketing and Communications to provide training resources to the TAMU-CC community.
- Academic Digital Resource Center (A-DRC): Provides faculty with UDL resources
- IT Website: Provides various audiences with accessibility resources