Pillar 2: Remediate
We will scan and test the contents of our ICT (e.g., websites, digital course materials) and improve the accessibility of web pages, web content, and electronic documents; and we will respond quickly to requests for ADA accommodations to our ICT.
Awareness and Prevention
TAMU-CC will acquire scanning and testing tools used to report our progress towards accessibility compliance. These tools will provide an assessment of the education efforts needed to strategically improve compliance. This will help prevent or lower requests for ADA accommodations on inaccessible ICT.
TAMU-CC is accountable when the ICT content or development is internal to TAMU-CC, or user-generated. Remediation or the procuring of resources to remediate will be the sole responsibility of TAMU-CC for user-generated content.
While the vendor is accountable for the accessibility of the ICT, TAMU-CC is legally responsible for procuring the ICT and whether it is initially considered compliant with accessibility standards. Therefore, remediation may be a collaborative effort between TAMU-CC and the vendor providing ICT.
Requests and Complaints
Any individual with a disability using TAMU-CC for a program, service, or activity (i.e., the complainant) may make an ADA accommodations request or complaint:
- Any person with a disability may use the campus Complaint Form as provided by Employee Development and Compliance Services (EDCS).
- Grievance procedures are provided in TAMU-CC Rule 08.01.01.C1, Civil Rights Compliance [PDF].
Response Policy
Responses should be quick, transparent, and collaborative.
- Quick: All ADA accommodations requests and complaints should be prioritized as high or urgent priority.
- Transparent: All communication should strategically funnel to a single point of contact with the individual with a disability to reduce confusion and frustration. Complainants should be notified of all actions by TAMU-CC, including research, timetables for remediation, and delays in remediation.
- Collaborative: Never make a negative unilateral decision on an ADA accommodations request or complaint. Contact EDCS and/or Disability Services, if involving a student, for assistance where a negative response might be considered the only option. Consultation may be requested with the Digital Accessibility Officer (DAO) or access response team (ART) as needed.