
Hearing Marginalized Voices

2023 Annual Conference on Writing and Writing Pedagogy

Featuring poet Edward Vidaurre

Saturday, April 29, 2023 
9:00 am–3:00 pm,
Registration & Coffee, 8:30-9:00 am
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi campus

Registration is FREE!!  (but required)
Use this link to register.

Continuing Education Credits available (6 hrs)

Teachers and faculty of all subjects and levels are invited to a day of interactive workshops on the teaching of writing, sponsored by the Coastal Bend Writing Project.

The featured author Edward Vidaurre will read from his collection of poems, Cry, Howl, and lead a workshop on writing poetry with young people. He will discuss Juventud Press, which seeks to bring diverse books to young readers often marginalized by traditional publishing. Teachers will lead workshops on using writing in classrooms and methods for engaging students with writing.

Edward Vidaurre

FMI on Edward Vidaurre and to order his books, go to the website:


Book Review:
Edward Vidaurre is a poet who "writes because he has no choice.” If he wants to live, he must write. He cannot be silent. In this regard, his poems are about everyday resistance, voice, survival, resilience, enduring and refusing to go away," wrote William W. Sokoloff in: Edward Vidaurre and the Politics of the Cholo Strut, New Political Science, 17 May 2021

Contact Susan Murphy, CBWP Director