Logo Guidelines
Texas A&M-Corpus Christi’s name, abbreviations, logos, and brands are guided by the campus policy on University Registered Marks found at tamucc.edu/governance/rules-procedures.
You can download any of our approved logos on our approved university logos page.
Primary Logo
The Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi logo is the most outward facing representation of our brand. It should be used as a powerful symbol of consistency.

Spacing and Sizing
To maintain legibility and prominence of the university logo, please adhere to the provided guidelines.
When incorporating photos, text, and graphic elements around the logo, reference the illustrated guidelines and utilize the Corpus Christi “C” for measuring clearance—equivalent to 0.2 of the logo’s height. This will ensure sufficient open space around the logo.

Primary Color Options

The primary color option for our logo is the two-tone Islander Blue (Pantone® 300 C) and Islander Green (Pantone® 348 C). It is intended to be used on lighter backgrounds and images in order to maintain legibility.

Two other acceptable color options for our logo are blue and white to be used as secondary color options. The blue version is an alternative when single color printing or design is preferred. The white version option is to be used over darker backgrounds and images.

The logo can appear in black for black-and-white and grayscale scenarios and in silver for metallic printing.

Additional Options
Verticle, condensed, and reversed
Vertical or condensed versions of our logo are also allowed. The reversed block logo versions are to be used sparingly on promotional items.

Improper Logo Alterations
The Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi logo, which includes the Momentum Wave symbol and the university name, cannot be altered in any way, including distortion, modification, or removal of any of its elements. It should be used as a powerful symbol of consistency. For more information on logo usage, contact the Marketing and Communications Licensing office at 361.825.3058 or email licensing@tamucc.edu.
Unacceptable logo usage examples

Co-Brand Logos
Rather than create a unique “logo” for each unit on campus — which can dilute the brand image — we use our system of co-brand designs to directly connect each department to the larger university brand. Each campus entity (college, department, institute, etc.) directly supports the university’s mission and reinforces our overall brand consistency. Logo lockups consist of an additional ruled line and left-aligned text on the right. Only the condensed and vertical logos should be used for these lockups. Co-brand designs must be created by Marketing and Communications and must have approval from the appropriate divisional vice president before creation can begin. Co-brands are reserved for higher level departments and should not be used to identify each individual unit.
Social media co-brand designs are available for departments. This is a modified version of the co-brand that can only be used as a profile image on social media platforms.

Multiple Department Identities
Rather than having two or more co-brands next to each other, partnerships of two or more entities should use multiple department identities structure for their design. These lockups add subset text below the logo connected to either phrase "provided by" or "sponsored by" in a sans serif, upper case font in Gibson. This reduces redundancy in co-brand use and simplifies the visual image. Event coordinators may decide entity order.

Informal Graphics: Organizations and Events
Informal logos can use fonts and elements outside of the university logo in order to create a spirit of fun, excitement, and engagement. They must be approved by Marketing and Communications before use.

Student Organization Logos
Registered Student Organizations may use the university’s registered logos. All digital, printed, and promotional use of university logos by a student organization must be approved through the Student Activities Marketing Office at ucsamarketing@tamucc.edu.
Registered Student Organizations may choose to craft their own organizational logo, but may not use the university name, abbreviation, or logos as part of that design.
For additional information on student organizations, contact the Student Activities Student Involvement Center at 361.825.2707.
Stationary and Promotional Items
Approved Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi templates for name tags, vehicle magnets, business cards, letterheads, and other office products are available through the University Print Shop. The use of the official university logo on printed items is to be approved through Marketing and Communications prior to printing.
Items intended for promotional purposes (i.e., to be given away) or for resale (i.e., intended to be sold to the public) which bear any university trademark, including the university name, must follow the University’s Branded Promotional Items Procedure.
Promotional items must also be pre-approved by the appropriate divisional vice president or designee prior to purchase. The university has the right to reject the production of any promotional item deemed inappropriate.
If a logo does not fit on a desired promotional item, or if you have any questions about the process, please contact the Marketing and Communications Licensing office at licensing@tamucc.edu or 361.825.3058. Visit the Branded Promotional Items page to learn more about the steps for purchasing promotional items.

University Seal
The university seal should be reserved for use on official university documents such as diplomas, certificates, and items from the President’s Office. Promotional use of the university seal requires permission from Marketing and Communications. The seal may be printed in the displayed color options or used as an engraved or embossed element.

Islanders Athletics
The Islanders Athletics logos* are the official series of graphics representing intercollegiate athletics at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. The Islanders Athletics logos may be used by any university department, program, or Recognized Student Organization for the purpose of non-resale promotions and spirit-building. Variations of the Islanders Athletics logos include the full Islanders logo, the “Big I” logo, and the wordmark. Dimensions of the logo should be no less than 1” in diameter with no less than 0.125” open space on all sides.
All athletic logos may also be produced in single-color (black, white, Islander green, or Islander Blue).
*The athletic co-brands are for athletic department usage only. The only departments outside of athletics that are allowed to use the athletic logo as a co-brand are Recreational Sports and Pep Band.
Full Islanders Logo Options

The “Big I” logo cannot be used on promotional items without the use of “Islanders” or the university name included in the design.

Izzy the Islander
The Izzy the Islander logos are the official mascot graphics representing TAMU-CC. The Izzy logos may be used by any university department, program, or Recognized Student Organization for the purpose of non-resale promotions and spirit-building. Variations of the Izzy logos include the primary standing Izzy, standing Izzy with name, surfing Izzy, and Izzy head. Dimensions of the logo should have no less than 0.125” open space on all sides. Alterations to the Izzy logos are not allowed.
Izzy logos may also be produced in single-color (black, white, or Islander Blue).

The "Surfing Izzy" logo is an alernative design which can be used interchangably with the standing Izzy logos.

The head logo cannot be used on promotional items without the use of "Islanders" or the university name included in the design.

The Shaka
The Shaka is the hand symbol representing Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. The official Shaka logo may be used by any university department, program, or Recognized Student Organization for the purpose of non-resale promotions and spirit-building. The Shaka logo should always be displayed with the palm facing toward the body; thumb up, pinky down and cannot be used on promotional items without the use of “Islanders” or the university name included in the design.
Dimensions of the logo should have no less than 0.125” open space on all sides.
The official phrasing for this hand symbol is “Shakas Up”.
The Shaka logo may be produced in single-color (black, white, silver, or Islander Blue).
Official Shaka