This page offers a few sources to help you locate external funding opportunities. Please contact the Office of Research Development for assistance.
Resources for Finding Funding hosts funding opportunity announcements from all federal agencies as required by law.
Pivot-RPprovides resources for funding opportunities and finding collaborators. This database provides opportunities from federal and private entities. Pivot-RP also allows for you to set automatic notifications for new funding opportunities related to your research. Follow the link to sign in with your TAMU-CC email.
Duke University publishes all funding opportunities in their database with a one week delay. Usually 9,000 to 10,000 opportunities available here. Narrow the list using the filters on the left.
Each of these sites offers search functions to find and learn about foundation support. Access Form 990 at these pages. The form 990 is required annually by the IRS and includes information about funded projects including funding amounts. These sites are an important source of information about foundations.
Use a search engine to locate funding. Searching the internet will also lead to lists of funding organizations.