Students in the CMSS program

Ramadan Abdelrehim photo
Ramadan Gamal Abouelmagd Abdelrehim
Faculty Advisor: Dorina Murgulet
Research: Integrated remote sensing, GIS, and geophysical approaches to improve water harvesting in coastal watersheds of southern Marsa Alam, Egypt
Started: Fall 2021, PhD candidate
Ifeanyi Emmanuel Anyanwu photo
Ifeanyi Emmanuel Anyanwu
Faculty Advisor: Dorina Murgulet
 Understanding the impacts of extreme wet events on groundwater pollution in unincorporated Gulf Coast communities
Fall 2023, PhD student
Honors, Awards, & Affiliations: NRT STAGES Fellow cohort 2 
Lucero Barraza photo
Lucero Barraza Gomez
Faculty Advisor: Michael Wetz
 harmful algal blooms and the effects they have on water quality
Fall 2022, MS student
Chrissy Barrera photo
Chrissy Barrera
Faculty Advisor: Lin Zhang
Fall 2020, PhD student
Olivia Burnes
Olivia Burnes
Faculty Advisor: Hua Zhang
Research: groundwater, first flush, and runoff water after rainfall events
Start: Fall 2023, MS student
Laura Button in lab
Laura Button
Faculty Advisor: 
Dorina Murgulet
 water quality and access in colonias communities 
Summer 2023, MS student
Honors, Awards, & Affiliations: NRT STAGES Fellow cohort 2 
Antonio Cantu de Leija photo
Antonio Cantu de Leija
Faculty Advisor: Dale Gawlik
Research: Wetland and Waterbird Ecology and Conservation
Started: Fall 2021, PhD student
Neina Chapa photo
Neina Chapa
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Beseres Pollack
Research: ecological benefits of restored intertidal and subtidal oyster reef complexes in the Texas Coastal Bend
Started: Fall 2021, MS student
Patricia Cockett photo
Patricia Cockett
Faculty Advisor: Paul Montagna
Research: Genetics
Start: Summer 2015, PhD candidate
Honors, Awards, & Affiliations: CCME Scholar
Nene Coulibaly
Faculty Advisor: 
Fall 2022,  student
Justin Elliott
Justin Elliott
Faculty Advisor: Hussain Abdulla
Research: organic chemistry
Start: Fall 2023, PhD student
Honors, Awards, & Affiliations: NRT STAGES Fellow cohort 2 
Muhamed Elshalkany
Muhamed Elshalkany
Faculty Advisor: Dorina Murgulet
 Controls on subsurface heterogeneity on groundwater discharge in coastal environments: insights from gravity, passive seismic, and electromagnetic surveys
Fall 2023, PhD student
Isabel Garcia photo
Isabel Garcia
Faculty Advisor: Michael Starek
Research: UAS-Based Photo-Bathymetry and Monitoring of Nearshore Coastal Processes
Start: Spring 2019, PhD student
Catherine George
Catherine George
Faculty Advisor: 
Toshiaki Shinoda
 Air-sea interaction processes in the tropical and subtropical Indo-Pacific region
Fall 2023, PhD student
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Benjamin Ghansah
Faculty Advisor: Michael Starek
Start: Fall 2023, PhD student
Allyson Girard standing in front of the Orbitrap-MS
Allyson Girard
Faculty Advisor: J. David Felix, Hussain Abdulla
Research: analytical chemistry, stable isotope biogeochemistry, nutrient (C, N, O, S) cycling
Start: Fall 2023, PhD student
Honors, Awards, & Affiliations: NRT STAGES Fellow cohort 2 
Susan Gonzalez photo
Susana Gonzalez
Faculty Advisor: Michael Wetz
Research: dynamics of harmful algal blooms in coastal Texas, incorporating social and economic values of local communities into HAB research
Started: Fall 2022, PhD student
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Zahra Hasan
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Beseres Pollack
Start: Summer 2023, MS student
Kiersten Ivy
Faculty Advisor: Hussain Abdulla & Jeremy Conkle
Environmental Chemistry
Fall 2022, PhD student
Hyangim Ji
Faculty Advisor: Alexey Sadovski
Start: Fall 2022, PhD student
Honors, Awards, & Affiliations: NRT STAGES Fellow cohort 3 
Evalynn Jundt headshot
EvaLynn Jundt
Faculty Advisor: Paul Montagna
Carbon Chemistry
Fall 2022, PhD candidate
Honors, Awards, & Affiliations: NRT STAGES Fellow cohort 1
Nigel Lascelles headshot
Nigel Lascelles Jr., M.S.
Faculty Advisors: Hussain Abdulla
Research: Analysis of tire wear particle's impact on the aquatic environment
Start: Fall 2019, PhD student
Honors, Awards, & Affiliations: CCME Scholar, NRT STAGES Fellow cohort 1
Kylee Lewis photo
Kylee Lewis
Faculty Advisor: James Gibeaut
Research: The impacts of sea level rise on coastal communities
Start: Fall 2020, MS student
Honors, Awards, & Affiliations: CCME Scholar
Brandon Lopez
Brandon Lopez
Faculty Advisor: 
Toshiaki Shinoda
 A new pathway of Indonesian Throughflow in the Indian Ocean: Mechanisms and role in transporting the excess heat and freshwater of the recent hiatus decade
Fall 2023, PhD student
Cody Lopez
Cody Lopez
Faculty Advisor: Dorina Murgulet
groundwater-surface water interactions in semi-arid environments
 Fall 2023, PhD student
Honors, Awards, & Affiliations: NRT STAGES Fellow cohort 3
Kimberly Lopez
Kimberly Lopez
Faculty Advisor: 
Jian Sheng
 Correlating circulating tumor cells (CTCs) types with membrane viscoelasticity with atomic force microscopy 
Fall 2023, PhD student
Molly Mcguigan
Faculty Advisor: Ed Proffitt
Research: Macroinvertebrates in mangrove leaf litter
Started: Fall 2021, MS student
Shelby Metoyer
Shelby Metoyer
Faculty Advisor: Darek Bogucki
Research: Remote sensing and artificial intelligence (AI): near-surface fluid dynamics
Start: Spring 2021, PhD candidate
Rostam Mirzadi photo
Rostam Mirzadi
Faculty Advisor: Dale Gawlik 
Research: Waterbird ecology and conservation, wetland and intertidal ecosystems, restoration ecology, and the use of birds in aquatic ecosystem management
Start: Fall 2022, PhD student
Florian Morvais photo
Florian Morvais
Faculty Advisor: Chuntao Liu
Research: satellite and ground based lightning observations, lightning formation mechanisms, cloud properties
Started: Fall 2021, PhD student
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Mohamed Abdrabou Mousa
Faculty Advisor: 
Research: geophysics
Started: Fall 2022, PhD student
Mariana Carolina Nieva Tamasiunas photo
Mariana Carolina Nieva Tamasiunas
Faculty Advisor: Toshiaki Shinoda
Research:  Intraseasonal variability of the Indonesian Seas associated to the Madden Julian Oscillation
Start: Spring 2020, PhD student

Isabel Nykamp
Isabel Nykamp
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Beseres Pollack
Research: Developing methods for elevation restoration on wind tidal flats
Start: Summer 2023, MS student
Azeez Yusuf Olaide
Azeez Yusuf Olaide
Faculty Advisor: 
Ingo Pecher
 Numerical modeling of CO2 hydrates, hydrate stability field for methane and CO2, and near seafloor geochemical reaction in the Gulf of Mexico
Spring 2023, PhD student
Ahmed Omar photo
Ahmed Mohamed Hamed Omar
Faculty Advisor: 
Research: using GIS techniques and ECOSTRESS thermal data to map growth fault systems in Corpus Christi Bay
Started: Fall 2022, PhD student

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Hannah Organ
Faculty Advisor: Richard Coffin
Research: geochemistry, biogeochemistry, lipids in microbial communities as tracers of methane hydrates
Started: Fall 2022, PhD student
Photo Unavailable
Delaynie Peters
Faculty Advisor: Feiqin Xie
Started: Fall 2024, MS student
Honors, Awards, & Affiliations: NRT STAGES Fellow cohort 3
Kelley Savage
Faculty Advisors: Jennifer Beseres Pollack, Xinping Hu, Keisha Bahr
Research: Assessing the Blue Carbon Potential of Oyster Reefs
Start: Summer 2022, PhD student


Alexander Sharp
Alexander Sharp
Faculty Advisor: Dale Gawlik
Research: Movement patterns of wading birds as a mechanism linking freshwater wetlands and coastal ecosystems in the Greater Everglades
Start: Spring 2021, PhD Student
Magkena Szemak
Magkena Szemak
Faculty Advisor: Lindsay Prothro
Research: Diatom assemblages from the Antarctic to determine past environmental conditions
Started: Fall 2023, PhD student
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Jerricca Rossilli
Faculty Advisor: Chuntao Liu
Started: Fall 2024, MS student
Honors, Awards, & Affiliations: NRT STAGES Fellow cohort 3
Ulsia Urrea Marino headshot
Ulsia Urrea Marino
Faculty Advisor: Greg Stunz
Research: Building urban resilience to climate change with nature-, community-, and infrastructure-based solutions: a mixed methods study in the Gulf of Mexico
Start: Fall 2020, PhD candidate
Quincy Walker standing next to scientific poster
Quincy Walker
Faculty Advisor: Chuntao Liu
Research: A global analysis of extreme rainfall cases, utilizing data from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellite spanning from 2014-2022
Start: Fall 2023, MS student
Honors, Awards, & Affiliations: NRT STAGES Fellow cohort 2
Miranda White
Miranda White
Faculty Advisors: Scott King and Philippe Tissot
Research: Assessing and communicating variability, uncertainty, and trustworthiness of an AI coastal model that predicts cold temperatures in local lagoons
Started: Spring 2022, PhD candidate
Honors, Awards, & Affiliations: NSF AI2ES, NRT STAGES Fellow cohort 1, CCME Scholar
Wenjun Yi headshot
Wenjun Yi
Faculty Advisor: Jian Sheng
Research: Flow, cell and nanoparticle interactions under large flow shear
Start: Summer 2021, PhD student