Research Capabilities

The Center for Water Supply Studies has the facilities, equipment, and personnel to address difficult and complex hydrologic and geologic problems and issues, including the following capabilities:

  • GIS: Geographic Information Systems capabilities exist to display and analyze spatially-distributed hydrologic and geologic data.
  • Computer and Statistical Modeling: Expertise in numerous computer models and programming languages permits modeling of distinct surface and groundwater systems and land-sea-air connections. Multivariate statistics and artificial intelligence/machine learning models are used to analyze complex spatial and temporal natural system datasets.
  • Field Studies: Field based work for land-sea-air and surface and subsurface investigations is a strong component of hydrologic, geologic, chemical research conducted through the Center for Water Supply Studies.
  • Education: Undergraduate and graduate programs which lead to degrees in Geology (BS), Chemistry (BS and MS), Environmental Science (BS and MS) and Coastal Marine System Science (MS and PhD) permit students to specialize in the study of water resource-related issues. Continuing education meets the needs of local industry and individuals seeking career advancement.
  • Conservation: Expertise is available to design, implement, and evaluate experimental water-conservation equipment and programs.

Hydrogeology Lab Specific Capabilities

  • Physical and contaminant hydrogeology
  • Groundwater-surface water interactions
  • Coastal hydrogeology
  • Role of groundwater contributions to water quality, nutrient budgets and cycling, and habitat degradation in coastal embayments
  • Water equity