The Murgulet Hydrogeology Lab has a variety of state of the art and industry standard equipment to support hydrologic and geologic studies of surface and groundwater.
Durridge RAD7
Durridge RAD8 |
Radium Delayed Coincidence Counter (RaDeCC)
Metrohm Titrando |
Geoprobe |
Research Platform at University Beach |
AGI SuperSting Marine Resistivity System |
Core Sampler and Extruder
Push-point Piezometers |
Groundwater Monitoring Wells |
Multiparameter Sondes
Vacuum Filtration |
Additional equipment includes:
- Durridge RAD7/RAD8 accessories
- Radon in water and soda bottle kits
- Drystiks
- Capture software
- other accessories
- Pressure transducers
- Water-level loggers
- Permeameters
- Aquifer models
- Grainsize analysis
- EM-31 Conductivity Meter
- Strategem EH-4 Magnetotelluric Sounder
- Insitu Hermit Datalogger
- Stream Gauging Equipment
- Planet Labs research/education license