
The Murgulet Hydrogeology Lab has a variety of state of the art and industry standard equipment to support hydrologic and geologic studies of surface and groundwater.

Hydrogeology Lab Field and Lab Equipment

 Durridge RAD7 

Processing radon in water sample in the back of the truck Continuous radon in water measurements with RAD-7 and RAD Aqua accessory

Durridge RAD8

 RAD-8 with soda bottle set up

Radium Delayed Coincidence Counter (RaDeCC) 

Radium Delayed Coincidence Counter 

 Metrohm Titrando


 Research Platform at University Beach


AGI SuperSting Marine Resistivity System

AGI SuperSting Marine Resistivity System

Core Sampler and Extruder 

Cody Lopez holding a sediment core Sediment core extruder

 Push-point Piezometers

Push-point piezometer

Groundwater Monitoring Wells

Monitoring wells at Hazel Bazemore Park

Multiparameter Sondes
(w/ flow through cell)

Multiparameter sonde with flow through cell for groundwater measurements

Vacuum Filtration

Vacuum filtering setup for nutrient samples


Additional equipment includes:

  • Durridge RAD7/RAD8 accessories
    • RAD AQUA
    • Radon in water and soda bottle kits
    • Drystiks
    • Capture software
    • other accessories
  • Pressure transducers
  • Water-level loggers
  • Permeameters
  • Aquifer models
  • Grainsize analysis
  • EM-31 Conductivity Meter
  • Strategem EH-4 Magnetotelluric Sounder
  • Insitu Hermit Datalogger
  • Stream Gauging Equipment
  • Planet Labs research/education license