If you've used the Genomics Core Laboratory for genomic services, please consider adding us to your methods or acknowledgments. Examples are below.
Acknowledging GCL Services
If you wish to cite the GCL in your methods sections, please see the example template below.
"(Library preparations | DNA Sequencing | Bioinformatics) were performed by the Genomics Core Laboratory at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi."
If you wish to acknowledge the GCL in your acknowledgements section, please see the example template below.
"The author(s) thank the Genomics Core Laboratory at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi (Chris Bird, Sharon Magnuson, Pedro Gonzalez, Laurel Weeks, Jason Selwyn) for providing (genomics | bioinformatic) services."
We would love to read your paper once it's published! Please send a copy of your paper to genomics@tamucc.edu.