Supported Students

The Genomics Core Laboratory provides support and training for students at TAMU-CC.  The best way to become eligible for these positions is to participate in our student volunteer program.

Current Graduate Students

Kevin Labrador

Kevin Labrador, M.S.

Graduate Research Assistant, 2023-present

Kevin is pursuing a Ph.D. in Marine Biology and interested in using environmental DNA metabarcoding to assess tropical fish diversity.

Alex Aromin

Alex Aromin, M.S.

Graduate Research Assistant, 2024

Alex is pursuing a Ph.D. in Marine Biology and researching global functional diversity using datasets from recent environmental DNA studies.


Current Undergraduate Students

Coralyn Coapland

Coralynn Coapland

Undergraduate Research Fellow, 2024-present

Coralynn is majoring in Biology, an NSF LSAMP Fellow, and is reconstructing the evolutionary history of the endangered Rota Blue Damselfly (Ischnura luta).

Avery Richardson

Avery Richardson

Undergraduate Research Fellow, 2024-present

Avery is majoring in Biology, an NSF LSAMP fellow, and is designing probes and primers to enable sensitive and accurate quantification of the endangered Rota Blue Damselfly (Ischnura luta) in environmental samples (eDNA) through qPCR.

Joseph Garza

Joseph Garza

Undergraduate Research Fellow, 2024-present

Joseph is majoring in Biology, a McNair Scholar, and is exploring the feasibility of extracting DNA from coral skeletons taken from islands spanning the South Pacific Ocean.


Former Graduate Students


Jason Selwyn, Ph.D.

Graduate Research Assistant, 2018-2022

Jason completed his Ph.D. on the dispersal and habitat choice of marine gobies. Notably, Jason made a substantial contribution on the Coastal Bend COVID19 TaskForce.


Former Undergraduate Students

Laurel Weeks

Laurel Weeks, B.S.

Undergraduate Lab Technician, 2022-2023

Laurel completed her B.S. in Biology.