Emergency Loans

All students applying for Emergency Loans must be registered, have a completed application, and Master Promissory Note on file with the Business Office. All emergency loans are processed on a first-come-first-served basis as long as funds are available.

Any payments received after due date will be assessed a $25.00 late fee per loan and all records will be placed on hold. No transcripts or registration will be allowed until the balance is paid in full.

Any payments made, including any financial aid awarded, will be applied towards any student balance, installment plan or emergency loan even if they are not due. Refunds are not issued unless all tuition and fees are paid.

*Book Loans are sent directly to the Campus Store.  Students who are approved for a book loan will be able go in person or online after 10 am the next business day to purchase their books utilizing the book loan.  Book Loans that are not used by the expiration date or any unused portion will be applied to any balance on the student account or refunded to the student if paid in full.

Short Terms (Online Mini-Terms) - Not Available

For any other questions, please visit our FAQs.

To enroll in an Emergency Tuition Loan in Bill/Payment Suite in SAIL please follow the following steps:

  1. Click on Student
  2. Click on Student Account
  3. Select Bill/Payment Suite
  4. Click on Payment Plans tab
  5. Select Enroll Now and select the term
  6. A list of available payment plan will be displayed. Click on Select for the Emergency Tuition Loan option.
  7. Once you have selected your plan follow the instructions on the screen until it shows you have successfully completed the process.  Do not forget to check the box to agree to the plan otherwise the continue button will not activate for you to complete the process.

When you are enrolled in an Emergency Tuition Loan you can view the amount and due date on the Home screen or Payment Plans tab is the Bill/Payment Suite.

Note: A Emergency Loan Master Promissory must be on file in the Business Office before the Emergency Tuition Loan will show up as a payment plan option.  Contact the Business Office for more information.