Broader Impacts
Broader Impacts can be defined as the potential to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes. The Office of Research Engagement seeks to develop and support a community of practice within TAMU-CC that’s focused on being impactful by leaving a legacy in the community. We know that can happen through research, teaching, service and beyond and want to support and empower people to do that.
- The Office of Research Engagement is able to engage in the sponsored research life cycle beginning with the proposal development stages in order to understand and support the community engagement opportunities early in the process.
- Research Engagement provides informed evaluation of broader impact activity plans.
- Research Engagement supports broader impacts activities with logistical assistance.
- Research Engagement utilizes its network of community partnerships in order to maximize the local and regional impacts of research.
- Broader Impacts planning tools and resources are available below with additional resources as well as individual consultations available upon request.
- Impact Multiplier Grants are available to faculty and staff to foster and facilitate community engagement.
BI Resources
Forms, Infographics, Websites, Readings, and Other Tools
Research and Impact

Three Impact Multiplier Grants Awarded January 2019
A Pilot Program for Teacher Research Experience in Robotics, Computer Science
Coping with Death through Art (CODART)
Islander L3 – Literacy, Language & Learning
Along with the ever-important goal of preparing students for life beyond the classroom, a university should engage with the surrounding community. IMG offers grant funding to Texas A&M-Corpus Christi faculty and staff who submit a winning proposal for a project that will positively impact the Coastal Bend or wider community. In this second cycle of IMG funding a record number of 35 applications were submitted. Each grant winner this cycle will offer programs to impact youth in the Coastal Bend. This year’s winners are:
A Pilot Program for Teacher Research Experience in Robotics, Computer Science, submitted by Dr. Alaa Sheta, professor of computer science; Dr. Mamta Yadav, professional assistant professor of computer science; and Dr. Rosa Banda, assistant professor of educational leadership. The team received $5,000.
Sheta and his team plan to teach robotics and computer science concepts to local teachers during the summer months. Through these new teaching methods, it is Sheta’s hope that young students will be inspired to pursue careers in STEM.
“For each of these teachers involved, we believe they will be able to spread their new-found knowledge to each student they interact with from here onwards,” said Sheta.
Coping with Death through Art (CODART) , submitted by Dr. Jennifer Gerlach, assistant professor of counselor education; Dr. Kristina Nelson, assistant professor of counseling and education psychology; and Dr. Sandy Griffith, assistant professor of clinical mental health counseling. The team received $5,000.
Through CODART, Gerlach will provide art-based counseling to children and families struggling with the loss of a loved one.
“We need to give a safe place for children and families to grieve and mourn,” said Gerlach. “Grieving children are more likely to develop negative health outcomes, behavioral issues, or substance abuse problems, but mental health interventions like CODART can lessen these negative effects by providing a safe place to explore their grief journey.”
Islander L3 – Literacy, Language & Learning, submitted by Dr. Kelli Bippert, assistant professor of literary education. Bippert received $1,215.
The Islander L3 program will support local schools who have English as a second language learners by providing these students with tutoring, reading materials, and technology at no cost to the school.
“Our public schools often grapple with how to meet the needs to their student populations,” said Bippert. “While one-on-one and small group instruction can be incredibly beneficial to students who need additional academic support, schools don’t always have the resources to make this happen. We will help fill this gap by utilizing our graduate and undergraduate students who each bring their experience, energy, and enthusiasm to our tutoring program.”